Friday, November 8, 2013

4 Ways To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones

What are Tonsil stones?
Some people are prone to get tonsil stones. When harmful substance gets accumulated in the mouth, it forms lumps of hard mass. This when ignored hardens further and takes the texture of stones which are known as tonsil stones. The condition is also known as tonsilloliths. These stones are usually small in size but in some cases they tend to grow and become big.
Symptoms and signs
Small tonsil stones generally don't have obvious symptoms. Still some of the associated symptoms are throat tightening, a metallic taste, chocking or coughing fits.
But larger stones have numerous symptoms like tonsillitis, bad breath, difficulty in swallowing, sensation of some foreign body stuck at the back of the throat, ear ache, sore throat, presence of white particles and bad taste.
4 ways to remove these stones
Appropriate methods depend on how big the size of the stone is. Still four best ways to get rid of these stones are;
1) Use of swabs and picks - Most people choose to remove these stones easily with the help of swabs and picks.
2) Use of medicine dropper - If the stone is small in size you can also suck it out with the help of a medicine dropper.
3) Use of antibiotics - If you are not able to correct the problem yourself then you have to take the help of various antibiotics, but remember one thing that use of antibiotics has several side effects.
4) Surgical method - When the stone is too big in size and lodged stubbornly inside the tissues of the tonsil then you need to take professional help. You need to go for tonsillectomy which means removing the tonsils. Though it is the most drastic step but in case of bigger stones it is the last resort and considered most effective.
Home remedies to remove tonsil stones
Apart from the above techniques in case of small stones you can go for certain natural tonsil remedy;
- Vinegar gargle - Calcium is the mineral which binds these tonsil stones and vinegar is a good dissolvent of calcium. Hence gargling with vinegar dissolved in warm water helps to break up the stones and prevents reformation.
- Consume probiotic yogurt - Tonsil stones contain sulfur that produces bacteria which gives out a foul smell. When we consume sugar-free probiotic yogurt which is full of good bacteria they fight with the bad bacteria and helps us to do away with the bad odor.
- Aloe Vera and lemon juice - Aloe Vera gel which is used to clean the tongue removes tonsil stones naturally. Lemon has vitamin C which also helps us to get rid of stones.
- Garlic chewing- Garlic is considered as an excellent remedy because of it's antibiotic and anti-bacterial properties. So if you chew few cloves of raw garlic it will treat the stones naturally.
So never ignore tonsil stones or you will turn out to be a social outcast. Follow the above methods and deal with them effectively.
For more information on Tonsil Stones and Their cures visit

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6 Steps to Stay Fit and Healthy in Middle Age

Are you entering middle age? The article below suggests 6 steps to lead a healthy life as you enter your forties.
Middle age or middle adulthood is usually considered to be a phase characterized by stability of life. After the incessant struggles and upheavals, trials and tribulations of the previous phases of life (adolescence and young adulthood), one settles down with a certainty and wisdom. Adults at this stage form a support system for the younger generation. Status symbols or glam factors hardly matter. But their body systems do matter as the body takes a 'U' turn -
• The body no longer adjusts to binging. Huge calories are not easily digested.
• Caffeinated and alcoholic drinks do not act as boosters anymore.
• Staying awake for most part of the night to meet official deadlines make you sick and listless.
• Pains and aches become a constant pattern of life.
• Unable to catch the train or bus in the last minute.
• Onset of life style diseases.
True enough the body starts revolting against you. You can no longer do what you want but instead listen to your inner-self. Fretting or complaining doesn't offer solutions; make your health your friend. Priorities at this stage change from being a social animal to a self-centric animal. That doesn't mean that all activities are given up. An adult just needs to be more cautious and health-conscious. These 6 steps can make adulthood a zest-filled age.
Step #1
Are you watching what you eat?
• Make healthy food choices as the digestive capacity takes a dip.
• Junk food, spicy and high fat food need to be avoided or reduced considerably.
• A judicious inclusion of fresh seasonal fruits and veggies improves essential nutrients and fiber in the diet.
• Substitute white, refined cereal grains with brown multigrains.
• Steamed vegetables are better options than fried ones.
• Follow a low salt and low sugar diet.
• Healthy snacks like high fiber biscuits or protein rich snacks are ideal replacements of fast foods or foods containing saturated and trans-fats.
• Eat unsalted fresh or raw nuts.
• Readymade, canned or processed foods contain high quantity of fat, sodium or sugar. Home cooked food is the best.
Step #2
Are you sufficiently hydrated?
• Water is ubiquitous. Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day as it helps detoxify the system.
• Make soups and fruit juices a part of your daily diet.
• Intake of coffee and tea must be minimized or avoided completely.
• If possible stay away from alcoholic beverages or colas.
• Buttermilk and tender coconut water are the best drinks that are not only refreshing but also nourishing.
Step #3
Are suffering from sleeplessness?
• Identify the reasons of sleeplessness and rectify immediately before it becomes a chronic disorder.
• Eat a light dinner at least two hours before bedtime.
• Quality sleep is essential for better efficiency and performance.
• The number of hours of sleep varies from 6 to 8 hours which is again based on individual body composition or requirements.
• Foods containing substantial amounts of spice, sugar or fat and caffeinated or alcoholic beverages spike the metabolism and activate the brain, thereby hindering sleep.
• Indulge in activities like reading a book or listening to music before bedtime as they are quite relaxing.
• The best home remedy is warm milk with a teaspoon of honey as milk acts like a sedative.
Step #4
Are you following a routine schedule?
• Prepare a suitable food-sleep-work schedule.
• Strictly follow it as these patterns are interconnected and disruption in one activity affects the others automatically.
• Make the necessary amendments to the patterns depending upon the need and stick to it.
Step #5
How often are you exercising?
• At this stage 30 to 40 minutes of exercise, at least 5 times a week is a prerequisite.
• Walking or any moderate physical activity strengthens the body as well as wards of illnesses.
• A 10-minute session of pranayama (breathing exercises) or meditation de-stresses the system.
• Regular yoga asanas activate both the body and mind.
Step #6
When is your next medical check-up?
• Adulthood brings with it marked changes in the body - digestive, cardiac, hormonal, muscular or neurological, which are responsible for the onset of lifestyle diseases.
• Get an annual medical check-up done to rule-out or reduce the impact of such disorders.
• Early diagnosis and treatment of degenerative diseases is better than suffering at a later stage.
Always remember that successful coping with bodily changes in adulthood paves way for a better adjustment in old age.

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The Plain Truth About Drug and Alcohol Testing

Maintaining a safe working environment has not only become a matter of priority to many employers because it is good practice and required by the law but in most cases it is a life and death issue. Many organizations have put some form internal checks in their practice even though this can be quite tricky to implement due to a number of logistical issues. There are many things you need to know clearly about the positives of a drug and alcohol testing program and how to deal with any anticipated negative outcomes that could arise.
Some of the positive outcomes of drug safety include:
Enhanced safety: Testing for drugs in the workplace will create a safe environment for your employees, visitors and customers. All employees and customers who spend time in your premises will definitely feel safer and have piece of mind with the simple knowledge that workers are sober enough to handle machines and equipment.
Reduction of accidents: There is sufficient evidence to show that the use of drugs and alcohol actually increases the incidence of accidents at the place of work. People who come to work under the influence of alcohol and drugs are especially risky and they also put other worker at risk. This is especially true where the use of machines or travelling is part of work. Employers who have a drug and alcohol policy and those who conduct regular testing play a significant role in ensuring minimal risk to accidents.
Good practice: The business of drug and alcohol testing is an important policy the every employer needs to put in place. As an employer, you want to avoid any litigation as a result of accidents that could have been avoided should such a policy have been in place. And an employer, you are obliged to ensure that none of your employees drives company vehicles or operates your machines and equipment while under the influence.
Supports staff with dependency problems: If your company has a good policy you will be in a better position to support any staff member who will be dealing with issues of drug misuse or abuse. Testing programs should be more than just testing for levels but go on to providing guidance and support to those who are addicted.
Challenges you will have to deal with include:
Privacy: You may want to ask all employees in your organization to undergo a drug and alcohol test and let them submit results as one of the requirements before they get hired. However, you may get some employees who feel that undergoing such a test is an invasion of their private lives and could therefore become resistant. You need to give a proper explanation why they need to undergo such a test, especially where they don't see a very clear reason why they really need to undergo the test.
Costs: There is no doubt that any test such as this will come with some cost implication; every single test comes with its own costs. The truth of the matter is that at the end of the day, while some of these costs can seem to be high, there is no way you can compare the money you are going to spend on them to the amount of trouble you are likely to forestall. In most cases, if you are a large organization you could actually ask for discounts especially from the service provider because of the volume of business you will be providing.
Issues of trust: You want to handle the results of all tests with lots of confidence in order to avoid any negative perceptions that could come out from managers to staff members and vice-versa.
It's therefore important that every company learns everything about the positive and negative impacts of workplace alcohol testing and saliva drug testing before they implement the action.
The article has been written by Avisha and is currently writing for Integrity Sampling, Australia's leading saliva drug testing and alcohol testing company that provides Australia wide services to businesses and organizations.

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A Good Chiropractor Will Re-Align Your Spine

This is the time that a chiropractor can be helpful. Many times, the body goes out of alignment in the spine and neck. This can affect many areas of the body when this occurs.
When the spine or neck becomes misaligned, it can pinch a nerve. This could send shooting pains down the legs and arms. The pain can be bad enough to be debilitating. The chiropractor provides you much needed relief through manipulating the spine and neck back into the position both are supposed to be in to support the body correctly.
Is a Chiropractic Care Plan Safe for the Body?
A re-alignment by a chiropractor is considered safe, as long as he has the right qualifications. It takes special training for him to know the right way to correct the problem. Make sure the one you go to has this training.
It is far less risky having a chiropractor work on straightening out your problem than it is to have surgery or drug therapy. There are far less side effects and complications that can happen. It should be your first stop when you have back and neck problems not your last stop. You can always opt for surgery or drug therapy, if you feel you need it on top of chiropractic treatments.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Treatments:
These treatments can relieve chronic pain over time. This type of pain typically takes more than one adjustment to solve. Sometimes you may just have a minor problem where one treatment will do the trick. However, you may want to be rechecked on a periodic basis.
Diagnosis of Problems:
A chiropractor will want to know your complete medical history, take X-rays and perform a physical exam before he can prescribe a treatment. This will give him a clear picture of what you need. In certain cases, you may need clearance from your medical doctor to have the treatments. This is typically when the chiropractor sees something he is unsure of on the X-rays. A reputable chiropractor will know the things he cannot correct without a second opinion.
Once he has all the information, he will tell you what treatment will correct your specific problem. You should be very open with the chiropractor about your lifestyle and medical history, as it will influence the success of your treatment. In addition, you should consult your medical doctor, as to whether there is any reason why a chiropractic adjustment would not be wise for you. When you have the all clear from your doctor, try out the services of a chiropractor to see what he can do for you.
For more information on the topic Dr. Ryan or Windsor Chiropractor please visit our website Here: Windsor Chiropractor

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Five Fabulous Fat Fighting Tips

One of the things that so many of us do that really sabotage our weight loss and fat reduction efforts are that we eat out so frequently. Even when we try to make healthy choices from the menu we often end up eating ingredients we would not normally eat at home (if we are watching our calories and fat intake). Sometimes it is because we are not aware of all the ingredients that are in the foods we order and at other times it is because it is too difficult to have the waiter modify our food requests. Either way, it becomes a problem when we are trying to stay on a food regiment that will work for us. Eating home solves that dilemma. We can know precisely what it is we are putting in our recipes and consequently into our mouths and stomachs. We all like to eat out but we may need to do it less frequently if we are serious about getting in better shape.
Another tip that will pay big dividends is to increase the amount of protein we consume while reducing the amount of carbohydrates. Many athletes swear by making protein a significant part of their diets. Cyclists and boxers and athletes across the board know that eating the correct things makes a big difference in their ability to perform. Protein makes us feel fuller faster and for a longer period of time which results in our eating less. Eating less is fine is we are getting the nutrients we need to sustain our health.
An additional bonus to eating more fiber is that our bodies have to work harder to digest fiber than it does carbohydrates so we are burning more calories in the process.
One of the things that really plays havoc with our healthy eating intentions is the cravings that hit and our seeming inability to control them. Sadly, it is usually the things that are the very worst for us that we crave, such as high fat foods, sugary foods and high calorie foods. Planning ahead will help with this dilemma. Find some snack items that you find appealing but that are not going to completely destroy your efforts to eat wisely. Whether you are a lover of crunchy foods, sweet foods, salty foods, or whatever, you can find choices that will be a lot kinder to your body if you look for them. Keep those on hand so that when that almost overwhelming feeling of wanting to cave in to your cravings strikes, you are equipped.
Don't skip breakfast. It is one of the habits that will be most helpful to you if you make a healthy breakfast part of your daily routine. There is a lot to be said for starting the day off right and when you put healthy food into your body is has to fuel it needs to work well for you. The chances are much less that you are going to chow down on greasy fast food or other poor food choices at lunch time if you have started off with a good, healthy breakfast.
Finally, make sure you are well stocked on the foods that you know will make you feel better and in the long run, look better too. Having fruits and vegetables on hand for snacking and for meal preparation is so important. Healthy grains and low fat items should also be readily available.
One does not have to be so rigid that they can never eat sweets or treat themselves to a juicy hamburger or whatever delightful splurge that is calling out to them but these should be occasional diversions and not a routine habit.
A lifestyle of healthy eating, along with enough exercise will improve your health, your energy level and your physical fitness.
Nancy Smith is one of the owners of, an online retailer specializing in basketball backboards and punching dummies.

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Finding A Doctor In A New City: Offline and Online

If you move to a new city or state, it is often takes a bit of effort to find a good doctor for the needs of you and your family. If you have used a realtor when you bought or leased your new home, maybe the realtor would be able to recommend a doctor for you. You could also ask a neighbor or someone you meet at your new job. Another way would be to look through the local phone book or simply search the internet. Certainly the internet will give you a list of doctors and pinpoint their locations on a map which can be very helpful.
The following tips will hopefully help you find a doctor more easily when you move to a new city:
1. Many people forget this obvious one. Your health insurance company will usually have a network of doctors and they will make this available to their customers, so give them a call. Some insurance plans have a list of preferred physicians with special rates. You may end up with a large list and obviously some things that put these doctors on their list have to do with tables which weigh the cost, time and care that the doctor provides. This may not be all you are looking for in a doctor! Still you could check out the doctors that are highly ranked by the insurance company online to see if there is a doctor that you might be comfortable with.
2. Patient Recommendation. While this sounds a good idea, where will you find doctor's patients? Well today most doctors have website, and often they have a page that is dedicated to reviews by their patients. Even if they don't have a website, you can find doctor's reviews on many directory sites. This is often a really great way to get a feel for the doctor. Also there are general medical websites that actually let patients post reviews about their doctor. Some of these websites actually have very large databases of doctors. You might have to do some searching but in the end it might be worth it.
3. Try and Try again. However you find a doctor, you will only know if he is a good fit for you if you go and see him. So making that first appointment is just a first step. You can check out what his offices look like, what services he offers and how efficient the receptionist and other employees are and also how long the wait time is before you get to see the doctor. When you get to see the doctor, you could time how long he actually talked to you and if you were satisfied with his services and what he suggested. If you come out of the doctor's office and you are not convinced he would make a good choice for you, then you have to make an appointment with the next doctor on your list. Leaving a review is worthwhile, because it will help other patients make the choice, and (in case of negative reviews) - it may inspire the doctor make some changes in his/her practice.
Finding a doctor when relocating to a new city is often a challenge but in the end, using some of the above tips, you will be able to find a doctor that you are satisfied with.
If you are in New York/New Jersey area, you may check out this "Medicus Doctor" directory of doctors in New York and New Jersey to see if you can find a qualified physician that meets your needs. Whether you are looking for a New York urologist, IVF clinic, or general surgeon, you'll most likely find a doctor that you'll like.

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Boxing Is Hard To Beat As A Great Workout

When you think of an exercise that is both fun and an effective way to combat stress, tone muscles and burn fat does boxing come to mind? If not, it definitely should because boxing is an amazing way to sculpt your body while providing you with great enjoyment. The sport of boxing is becoming increasingly popular among young people who want to experience intense workouts and gain the benefits that those workouts can provide.
Older people also enjoy this sport which can be done in a public facility with other enthusiasts or in the privacy of your own home. Very little is required in the way of equipment necessary to accomplish your goals. A good pair of boxing gloves is a must and there is a wide selection to choose from. Finding a pair that fits your hands well and that will provide the kind of padding and protection you require is not difficult. New research is always coming up with ways to improve the comfort and functionality of gloves. One has to wonder how the ancient Greeks who invented the first so called boxing gloves with rocks which were strapped to the hands in order to inflict punishment would think of the marvelous gloves that are now available. The newer glove designs are made to reduce the likelihood of discomfort and injury to the wearer while increasing the ability to inflict harder blows on the opponent.
The sport of boxing is quite universal in that it is popular among young and old, male and female. Boxing gloves are constructed for youths of all ages and for women as well as men. They come in a myriad of colors including pink for the more feminine participants. Some gloves are made specifically for sparring with a partner and some are considered amateur gloves and not worn for professional matches.
Once you have acquired a pair of gloves that will work well for you the next step is to find a partner to spar with or a punching bag or punching dummy that you can expend endless hours of energy on. You can visit a gym and enjoy the camaraderie of others who also love this sport or you can have your own little spot at home where you can workout solo. Either way, you are likely to fall in love with this exhilarating activity which will work your body and lift your spirits.
Nancy Smith is one of the owners of, an online retailer specializing in boxing gloves and punching dummies.

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